Our Story

OuR Story

There’s just something about clay. Actually, there are quite a few things. Clay has that unique ability to seamlessly segue from a misshapen lump of dirt into almost anything, really. It can marry form and function without skipping a beat, bridging the yawning gap between art and your common garden variety utensil…. It can even be both.

Clay is freeing in a way that not much else is. IIt just is… And that’s what attracted IT professional Aneesha Rai to it. The liberation that comes from working with it – the endless possibilities – the unbridled joy of creation.

It’s been 15 years and Aneesha shows no sign of flagging, owed mostly in part to not just the uniqueness of her clay creations but the endless possibilities that every piece of success or failure threw up.

Like all artists, the management of her expanding studio grew tentacles that threatened to brow beat her into the mundane. Enter Madhu Rai, an educationist with over 40 years of experience, half of which were spent running a school of her own. Madhu, no  stranger to management was exactly what was required. She hit the ground running, leaving Aneesha’s slate clear to do what she did best; create.

And thus, Born Free came into existence.

With freedom forming the central ethos of the brand, both women truly embody it. Unshackled by either real or imagined boundaries, Born Free set about physically manifesting the most unique creations, unparalleled and novel in the region.

Now that they were a together, it was inevitable that one would influence the other. And Born Free saw itself adding another exploit to its roster. Glaze

Clay can stay natural, but clay is really elevated when it’s dressed up. And that embellishment is Glaze

But with glaze, Aneesha and Madhu had moved out of the physicality of clay and into pure science; Chemistry, actually. And like we know, science is not something you can just wing. It demands  a formal education.

So off to school we went. With years of lab work, Aneesha was finally ready to not just make glaze, but create tints, tones and textures that are unique to Born Free. With a colour chart of over 500 glazes and counting, her bespoke creations are now the norm rather than the exception.

With Madhu Rai holding fort over the glaze production, Born Free is a force to reckon with.

What started as a little backyard industry – with just Aneesha and one pottery wheel, has now exploded into a full-service studio with multiple kilns, wheels, glazes and tons and tons of clay. Born free is a thriving, freeing enterprise, where a 24 -hour production schedule handles signature pieces and line products in their thousands, with every single piece still remaining hand-made.And at the center of the Born Free story, is that singular inconspicuous lump of earth. Clay.


These ceramics are not only visually appealing, but they are also functional and durable. They are made from high-quality clay and are glazed to make them resistant to chipping and cracking.These ceramics are not only visually appealing, but they are also functional and durable. They are made from high-quality clay and are glazed to make them resistant to chipping and cracking.These ceramics are not only visually appealing, but they are also functional and durable. They are made from high-quality clay and are glazed to make them resistant to chipping and cracking.


Infinity Sign



The logo of Born Free Ceramics is a wonderful representation of the values and mission that we stand for. It incorporates three distinct elements – a pottery wheel, hands, and an infinity symbol – each of which symbolizes an important aspect of our work and philosophy.

The pottery wheel in the logo is a powerful symbol of creativity, skill, and artistry. It’s a vital component of Born Free Ceramics, and it is a symbol of the craftsmanship and dedication that we bring to every project. It also represents the idea that your studio is a place of exploration and experimentation, where artists can push the boundaries of their creativity and develop new techniques and styles. 

The hands in the logo are a representation of the human touch that is integral to our work. They symbolize the idea that Born Free Ceramics is dedicated to creating hand-made, personalized ceramics that reflect the unique vision and style of each artist. The hands in the logo are also a reminder that our work is centered on people – on their needs, their preferences, and their aesthetic sensibilities. They represent the care and attention that we put into every project, ensuring that each piece of ceramics is a true reflection of our client’s vision.

Finally, the infinity symbol in the logo is a powerful representation of Born Free Ceramics’s commitment to sustainability and longevity. The infinity symbol represents the idea of endlessness, of a continuous, unbroken cycle. It symbolizes the idea that Born Free Ceramics is not just about creating beautiful ceramics, but about creating objects that are designed to last. Born Free Ceramics is committed to using sustainable materials and techniques, and to creating ceramics that will endure for generations to come. 

Merged together, the pottery wheel, hands, and infinity symbol in your logo create a powerful and evocative image. They represent the values and ideals that Born Free Ceramics stands for, all whilst serving  as a reminder of the transformative power of creativity, human touch, and sustainability in the world of ceramics. Like the clay itself, Born Free Ceramics is rooted, grounded and committed to excellence.

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